Keywords allow a user to subscribe to, or unsubscribe from, notifications when they text the keyword to a specific shortcode. This article will show you how to create keywords and add them to a group for the text-to-join feature in Mass Notifications (formerly CivicReady). Once the keyword is created, users can text to join a group.
Important Notes
- After a keyword is created, it must be assigned to a group for the keyword to function as a Text-to-Join.
Keywords can only be assigned to public groups.
Article Navigation
Create a Keyword
- Sign in to the system if you have not already
- Navigate to Keywords
- Click the blue plus-sign icon below the Account menu
- Fill in the Create Keyword information fields
- Name: Enter a name for the keyword. This is the word that residents will text to join the specific group (must be between 3 and 30 characters).
- Description: Add a description for the group that this keyword will be assigned to (limited to 4,000 characters).
- Click Create
- The keyword has been added to the system
Assign a Keyword to a Group
Keywords must be assigned to a public group for the keyword to function as a Text-to-Join.
- Sign in to the system if you have not already
- Under Resources, select Manage Directories and then Public Groups
- Choose the group you wish to assign the keyword to
- Select the Keywords tab
- Select the plus icons next to the keywords you want to assign in the Available Keywords section
- The selected keyword(s) will appear in the Group Keywords section
- The keywords will automatically be saved to the group
Edit a Keyword's Description
Important Note
- You cannot edit a keyword once it is created, but you can edit the keyword's description.
- Navigate to Keywords
- Click the keyword with the description you wish to edit
- Edit the Description as desired
Note: Keyword descriptions are limited to 4,000 characters in length. - Click Save
- The keyword's description has been edited
Delete a Keyword
- Sign in to the system if you have not already
- Navigate to Keywords
- Click the trash can icon next to the keyword you wish to delete
- Click Confirm to confirm the deletion
- The keyword is deleted
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