This article will show you how to activate a Task List from a template or from scratch using the Mass Notification system, formerly CivicReady, web interface.
Activate a Task List from a Template
- Sign in to the Mass Notification system if you have not already
- Navigate to Incident Management, then select Task Lists
- Click the Activate tab
- Click the Select Task List Template button to open the template section dialog
- Click the title of the desired Task List
- You will be redirected to the Activate Task List Form
- Review and edit the Activate Task List information fields as desired
- Task List Title: Title of the Task List
- Task List Subtitle (optional): Subtitle of the Task List
- Folder: The name of the Task List folder this template is saved in
- Created On: This field auto-fills with the date the template was created and cannot be edited
- Edit the (optional) Incident fields that associate this Task List Template with a Named Incident, if desired
- Incident Priority: Select the appropriate radio button to indicate if the incident is an emergency or related to operations
- Incident: Select the named incident associated with the task template, if necessary
- Review and edit the Tasks list as necessary
- Click the title of an existing task to expand and update it
- Edit the Task fields as necessary
- Task Title: Enter a title for the task
Task Detail (optional): Enter details that explain the task
Notes:- The Task Title field is limited to 80 characters, and the Task Detail field is limited to 4,000 characters.
- The Task Detail field is optional but recommended and can provide more information to assignees.
- Edit the Task fields as necessary
- Click the Add Task button to add a new task to the template
- Fill in the Tasks fields
- Task Title: Enter a title for the task
- Task Detail (optional): Enter details that explain the task
- Fill in the Tasks fields
- To reorder tasks, click and hold the drag handle (two horizontal lines icon) to the left of a task's name, and then move the task to the desired location
- To delete a task, click the white Delete button in the bottom-right corner of its task creation card
Note: Task List Templates must have at least one task to be saved.
- Click the title of an existing task to expand and update it
- Edit the Groups for this Task List Template, if desired
- Click the trash can icon to the right of the permissions checkboxes for a group to remove it if needed
- Click the Select Groups button to add groups to the template
- Check or uncheck the checkboxes next to group names to indicate the groups that will be associated with this Task List Template
Notes:- Enter the name of a group in the Search Groups search box to quickly locate the group.
- Click the Previous Page and Next Page arrow buttons to view groups that do not appear on the current page.
- Enter the name of a group in the Search Groups search box to quickly locate the group.
- Click the Save button to add the selected group(s) to the Task List Template
- Check or uncheck the checkboxes next to group names to indicate the groups that will be associated with this Task List Template
- On the Task Lists screen, check or uncheck the permissions checkboxes to the right of each group's name to indicate their appropriate Task List permissions
- Manager: Group members can view and edit the template
- Activator: Group members can activate the template and monitor the completion of activated Task Lists
- Assignee: Group members can complete, skip, or comment on tasks
- Watcher: Group members can monitor task completion and view individual tasks' status and comments
- Click the trash can icon to the right of the permissions checkboxes for a group to remove it if needed
- Edit the Users for this Task List Template, if desired
- Click the trash can icon to the right of the permissions checkboxes for a user to remove them, if needed
- Click the Select Users button to add a user to the template
- Check or uncheck the checkboxes next to user names to indicate the users who will be associated with this Task List Template
Notes:- Enter the name of a user in the Search Users search box to quickly locate the user.
- Click the Previous Page and Next Page arrow buttons to view users that do not appear on the current page.
- Enter the name of a user in the Search Users search box to quickly locate the user.
- Click the Save button to add the desired user(s) for this Task List Template
- On the Task Lists screen, check or uncheck the permissions checkboxes to the right of each user's name to indicate their appropriate Task List permissions
- Manager: The user can view and edit the template
- Activator: The user can activate the template and monitor the completion of activated Task Lists
- Assignee: The user can complete, skip, or comment on tasks
- Watcher: The user can monitor task completion and view individual tasks' status and comments
- Click the trash can icon to the right of the permissions checkboxes for a user to remove them, if needed
- Click the Activate button to save all changes
Note: If changes were made in error, click the Cancel button to reset the template to its original state. - The Task List has been activated
Activate a Single-Use Task List
Single-use Task Lists are created by completing the form that follows the template selection card. If no template is selected, this form will remain empty and can be used to create a single-use Task List. The creation of a Single-use Task List is similar to the creation of a Task List template; however, there is no folder field (a Task List title and at least one task and one assignee are required to activate).
Note: While single-use Task Lists can be lifesaving during a crisis, it is recommended to create Task List Templates if time and safety permit.
- Sign in to the Mass Notification system if you have not already
- Navigate to Incident Management, then select Task Lists
- Click the Activate tab
- Fill in the Task List information fields under the Activate Task List heading
- Task List Title: Enter a title for the Task List
- Task List Subtitle (optional): Enter a subtitle for the Task List if desired
Note: Since you will not be applying a template to this Single-Use Task List, you should skip the Task List Template section. - Fill in the (optional) Incident fields to associate the Task List with a Named Incident, if desired
- Incident Priority: Select the appropriate radio button to indicate if the incident is an emergency or related to operations
- Incident: Select a named incident from the drop-down list that you would like to associate the new Task List with
- Click the Add Task button to add a task to the Task List
Note: At least one task must be created before a Task List can be saved. - Fill in the Tasks fields
- Task Title: Enter a title for the task
- Task Detail (optional): Enter details that explain the task
Notes:- The Task Title field is limited to 80 characters, and the Task Detail field is limited to 4,000 characters.
- The Task Detail field is optional but recommended and can provide more information to assignees.
- Repeat Steps 7 and 8 as many times as necessary to add additional tasks if needed
- To reorder tasks, click and hold the drag handle (two horizontal lines icon) to the left of a task's name, and then move the task to the desired location
- To delete a task, click the white Delete button in the bottom-right corner of its task creation card
- Add Groups to the Task List, if desired
- Click the Select Groups button to add groups to the Task List
- Check the checkboxes to the left of the names of any groups you wish to add to the Task List
Notes:- Enter the name of a group in the Search Groups search box to quickly locate the group.
- Click the Previous Page and Next Page arrow buttons to view groups that do not appear on the current page.
- Enter the name of a group in the Search Groups search box to quickly locate the group.
- Click the Save button to add the selected group(s) to the Task List
- On the Task Lists screen, check the permissions checkboxes to the right of each group's name to indicate their appropriate Task List permissions
- Manager: Group members can view and edit the Task List
- Activator: Group members can activate and monitor the completion of the Task List
- Assignee: Group members can complete, skip, or comment on tasks
- Watcher: Group members can monitor task completion and view individual tasks' status and comments
- Click the trash can icon to the right of the permissions checkboxes for a group to remove it if needed
- Click the Select Groups button to add groups to the Task List
- Add Users to the Task List, if desired
- Click the Select Users button to add users to the Task List
Note: The Task List creator is automatically added to the Users list during creation. Their permissions can be adjusted if needed. - Check the checkboxes to the left of the names of any users you wish to add to the Task List
Notes:- Enter the name of a user in the Search Users search box to quickly locate the user.
- Click the Previous Page and Next Page arrow buttons to view users that do not appear on the current page.
- Enter the name of a user in the Search Users search box to quickly locate the user.
- Click the Save button to add the selected user(s) to the Task List
- Click the Select Users button to add users to the Task List
- On the Task Lists screen, check the permissions checkboxes to the right of each user's name to indicate their appropriate Task List permissions
- Manager: The user can view and edit the Task List
- Activator: The user can activate and monitor the completion of the Task List
- Assignee: The user can complete, skip, or comment on tasks
- Watcher: The user can monitor task completion and view individual tasks' status and comments
- Click the trash can icon to the right of the permissions checkboxes for a user to remove them if needed
Note: The current user must be the manager and cannot be removed from the Task List. - Click the Activate button to save all changes
- The Single-Use Task List has been activated
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